Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. -Helen Keller

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Movin' Out

It's only been one month this time instead of six. Improvement. Anyways, I MOVE OUT IN FOUR DAYS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, terrified, anxious, nervous, and slightly going crazy all at the same time(it may seem like the negative emotions are winning out here, but they're not, I promise). I have NO idea what life is going to be like for the next few months, and that is definitely an intimidating thing. But I feel like if I look at it as an adventure, and move forward with the Lord on my side (and with a little help from my friends) (yes that was a Beatle's reference), I'll pull through pretty okay. We've been packing up all my things, and BOY do I have a lot of junk. Not much clothing, very little shoes, but art I did back when I was five? Yeah. I have it all. It's been a pain in the butt finding everything and getting it all collected into one space. Good thing I'm leaving most of it here at home! There is for SURE not enough room for all of my 9th grade homework assignments in my new apartment. It's starting to hit me that I'm not going to be at home really any more for the rest of my life... My dad and I just had a talk the other night while he was grilling burgers, and we both ended up just giving each other a big hug and crying because I won't be hanging out with my parents after work, going grocery shopping with my mom, or eating dinner every night with my family anymore! I am going to miss it SO MUCH!!! And so will they I think (I hope...). At least the house will be quieter without me :) Hopefully Betty will help make up for the lack of family that I'll be experiencing in my life (did I mention that Betty is going to be my roommate? Well, she is)! Betty and I are moving in to apartment 3113 in the Hinckley building at Helaman Hall on BYU campus!! I can't wait to live with one of my best friends. I think we'll be good for each other! I told her I'd promise to help her study (she's going to apply for the nursing program) if she promises to help me exercise (heaven knows I need it)!!! I've got a pretty nice class schedule, since I don't have anything before 11:00, and I have absolutely no class on Tuesdays. That should give me plenty of time to keep up with my studies, work, and hopefully make some new friends! (Dates maybe?) The class I'm most excited for? Beginning jazz dance. It'll be great to get some help with my awkward dance moves... The class I'm least excited for? American heritage. I've heard nothing about groans and complaints about it from EVERYONE I've talked to who already goes to the Y. It's alright. At least I'm getting it over with, right? I also have two English classes (I'm thinking that I'll be majoring in English teaching, which I'm really excited for), a voice class, physical science, and Book of Mormon. I think it'll be good! Hopefully not too challenging, since I really just want to get my foot in the door and figure out how the whole living out on my own/fending for myself thing works :) I'll let you know how that goes. I just bought my books today, and talk about a chunk of change!!! Woo wee! Life is so expensive, it's stupid. Basically I will be paying off student loans for the rest of my life... it's fine. I just hope it'll all be worth it in the end! I'll let you know how it goes when I officially move out next Wednesday, and if anything exciting happens before then!! Pray for me probably so I don't die at my first week of college!! :) Love you all! Over and out.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

No, I Haven't Fallen off the Face of the Earth...

Hi. My name is Rian, and in case you've forgotten, this is my blog! I promise I have plenty of good excuses for not having blogged in SIX FREAKING MONTHS! Who do I think I am anyway? SO rude. So anyway, a lot has happened since you last heard from me. And I mean A LOT. What was the last thing I even talked about? The mundane state of life, plus, like, Secret Garden? SO six months ago! So where do I even start? Gees, let's go with Thoroughly Modern Millie. I was Millie. Who's idea was that!? Best time of my life. Really. I am so blessed to have been given the experience. I learned so much, really got to know so many of my best friends, and had so much fun just getting to be myself on stage! I moved out on my own, got mugged (not so great), got a job, tap-danced my tail off, got thrown in jail (again, not so great), met a star, captured a crook, fell in love... I wouldn't have traded it for anything!! Here's some pictures from the show, hopefully you can get a taste for how much fun I really had.
Manhattan, I'm prepared for you.
First impression...
The girls
What does he need with love?!
What just happened!?!?
Now I got it bad!
"I've never read Tom Sawyer! Was he... sexy?"
I turned a corner...
Phoebe did the show with me! So much fun!!
Hot mama Emily :)
What mine and Adam's engagement photos would look like if we ever got married... probably a bad idea... :P
Ooh, this one's good.
Gettin' there...
Much better!
So there's Millie. I miss it more and more every day! Next big item of business: Choir tour!! Best. Trip. Ever. Medieval Times, Disneyland (there's no way you could have a lameo time at the happiest place on earth, right?)... We came, we sang, we conquered. But we also had a really fun time too! My dad came along as a chaperone, and as luck would have it, he and Nathan Harper's father Eric (Nate is my homeboy. Can't get enough of him) were roommates! Obviously this equaled absolute hilarity that took place throughout the entire trip (Eric and my father are perhaps the two funniest people on the planet). I also got to just kick back and relax with my best friends, and I couldn't have been happier. Time for more pictures.
The roomies! Jennie, Hannah, Emily, Jessica, and me!
Oh, it's a jolly holiday with you, Bert.
Nathan asking Emily to Prom on Splash Mountain. Win.
Emily answering Nate to Prom on Tower of Terror. Bigger win.
The attractive knight at Medieval Times.
Space Mountain!
Popsy and I.
The Fam. Andy, Drake, Adam, Nate, Me, Emily, Jennie, Eva, and Haily. Great times. Moving on. I graduated from high school. WHAT THE?! How in the heck did that happen?!??!?! I feel so old. Really. It's okay though. I've been accepted to BYU on a half tuition scholarship (yay!), and I'm currently trying to mentally prepared to move out of my house and into a Helaman Hall apartment on campus with my best friend Betty Evans! I am definitely nervous, but excited (so I started singing a song called "Nervous, but Excited"... please excuse my SNL reference), and it'll be interesting to start living the college life. More pictures...
My friend Tim.
Lovely ladies. Now it's summer time,and I am currently working three jobs. What? Three, you say? Yes, you heard me, three. I might be crazy, but there are bills to pay, and you gotta do what you gotta do. Luckily I usually still get some time to play. For example, Livi and I spent a weekend hanging out with her parents up in Park City. It was a blast! It made for a really nice break from work, and I got to spend time with my best friend before she marries herself off! Yay!
Schwimmin at the pool. Also, Emily and I took a day off to just run through the sprinklers. Time of my life? Yes.
Finally, I went to New York. WHAT?! Yeah, it was awesome. But this post is getting quite lengthy, and I figure I'm going to need to write about things in the future right? I can't just tell my life story all in one blog post! So, New York another day. Just know for now that it was epic. So far, it's been a pretty good summer. If I don't die from being overworked, I think the rest of the year will turn out pretty good too. I'll make SURE to keep you posted from now on (at least enough to make sure you know I haven't died... I know you were all wondering during these past few months), and I hope that this will suffice for now! I love you all. Over and out.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Yada Yada...

Not much has happened since the last time I blogged... (obviously. It's only been what, four days? Maybe five? I don't even know) but I'm bored so I'll type anyway. The weekend was a good one. I got together with my home-slice (do gangsters use apostrophes?) Jessica Friday night. We watched Soul Surfer (kind of dorky, I know) and ate two whole cartons of strawberries and cream (YUM) at her apartment. Loved it. Saturday I worked a morning shift (good times definitely), and then Phoebe and I watched Hook (best movie ever) that night. Sunday we had ward conference which was great, and then I had a Stake Youth Council meeting and a work potluck dinner! Hurrah!

Now we're up to the present... (not every exciting. Sorry) This morning in AP English, all of the juniors went to the writing lab to talk about schedules for next year. In the meantime, all of us seniors stayed in class and watched The Reduced Shakespeare Company's version of Hamlet. Look it up. It's hilarious.

Anyway, tonight I'm going to The 39 Steps at the Hale Center Theater. I've heard it's hilarious, so I'm stoked. I'll give you a review after I've seen it.

So, that's about it. At least I know that today's going to be a good day. Start any day off with Shakespeare, and you know it will be a good one :)

Which reminds me. Found this on pinterest, and I thought it was genius. So, here you go.

The end. Over and out!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Okay, so after my last post loaded, I looked at my followers, and I again have fifteen. Either all of you had a stroke of inspiration and re-signed up to follow my blog in the last hour, or... my laptop for some reason showed only seven of you and not all fifteen. I apologize for accusing you all of deserting me. How embarrassing.

I'm Alive!

So I noticed that I went from about 15 followers to 7... What's up with that!? Have you all given up on me because I haven't blogged in the past couple of weeks!? Shame on you!!!! Ah well... For those of you still listening... here's a recap of what's been going on for the past month.

First off, I have been living, breathing, sleeping, and eating (okay, maybe not eating...) Secret Garden every day since we came back from Christmas break. It has been EXHAUSTING. But, it has also been one of the most incredible shows that I have had the opportunity to be a part of. Everyone in it was soooooo talented, and the show in and of itself is amazing. It gave me a totally new perspective on our relationships with those who have already moved on to the next life. Plus, I got to play an Indian lady which was pretty darn cool. I loved every second that I got to spend dying of the cholera, learning Indian chants, cursing evil headmistresses, getting henna tattoos, and hanging out with all of my wonderful friends who have done nothing but inspire me since I've met them. I love you all! ;)
This is a picture from our actual show... The whole thing was chock full of awesome effects thanks to our technical crew. What would we do without them?

Secondly, (I don't remember if I've mentioned this before... it's been so long...) I am the Drama Sterling Scholar for Orem High, and I have therefore had to compose a 20 page portfolio about myself. Who the HECK wants to write twenty pages about themselves!?!?!?!? Not me, that's for sure. But I FINISHED! And in a timely manner too. Huzzah! And now I have this big long book where I brag about all of my accomplishments for my posterity and such. Yay. Anyways, I am hoping to high heaven that it pays off and I am able to move on past region, so that I can perhaps get some money for college (then again, I also realize that drama sterling scholars from all over the state are mostly likely hoping to high heaven the exact same thing...). Only time will tell.

And now for an update on my new year's resolutions... It's kind of an embarrassing story, but I haven't been keeping up on them very well... Don't get me wrong, I was very diligent for the first few weeks, but life has just gotten in the way of improving my life recently... Here are the ones I have been working on:
-Reading the scriptures every day. I haven't been able to quite do a chapter every night, but I have been diligent in my personal study. It has definitely made a difference in my life, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is wanting to draw closer to their Savior.
-No sugar. I am having withdrawals, but so far, I have not given in. In your face.
-Reading the Harry Potter books again. I have finished The Sorcerer's Stone, and I am now in the middle of The Prisoner of Azkaban (I know that's out of order, but don't judge. I couldn't find The Chamber of Secrets at my house, so I figured I'd go back and catch that one later).

And here are the ones that I need to revive now that I am done with Secret Garden and have a life again:
-Going to the temple once a month. Phoebe has had to get to school really early for solo and ensemble, and I have been staying up really late because of the show, but I am still planning on taking Satan down with this early-morning strategy.
-Doing vocalizes every morning. I have been warming up and singing PLENTY, but I need to get back in the habit of doing this.
-Exercise 20 minutes a day. Yeah, I don't know what happened to this one... Not enough time? Exhaustion due to musical? Laziness? All of the above? Either way, this will happen.
-Hanging out with the fam. My siblings have probably forgotten that I exist, since I have been living at the school for so long. Fortunately I have not forgotten them, and they will be seeing a lot more of me now whether they want to or not!
-And finally, getting good grades in college. This is not possible since I am not yet in college, and I therefore feel no guilt for having not completed this goal.

Besides bringing my resolutions back from the dead, I am also anticipating Orem High's Thoroughly Modern Millie auditions that are coming up next week (not much of a break from rehearsals, but I'll live)! I am really excited about this show, but the thought is also kind of depressing since it will be my last show in high school :( Provided that I get in of course... But let's not talk about that.

So, that is basically what my life has been like for the past little while. Busy, yes, but good busy, and I am really grateful that I have made it out of this crazy month alive. Hopefully I will be blogging more often so that I don't lose the interest of any more of you! :)

Thanks for listening! Over and out!

Oh! I almost forgot. My drawing challenge? The break from it that began in the middle of December lasted longer than I expected. I am hoping that I can bring it back sooner than later. Who knows? Definitely not me, but a girl can dream, right?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Just For Fun

This was kind of for my drawing challenge, but mostly I did it just for fun... :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Okay, I don't know what accent that title is in... Yeah.

So anyway, it is the start of a new year, and we all know what that means: resolutions that may or may not last the next 365 days. When you look at it that way, it's kind of pathetic that we can't keep up with something for that long. Take it a week at a time, and BOOM! the year is over before you know it. Goalkeeping is definitely easier said than done, but this year I am really going to try my darndest to live by these wise words...
(yeah, yeah, I know, "do or do not, there is no try". I'm working on it, okay?)

So, in order to remind me, I'm going to post my goals here on this very blog! Here it goes, and if you have any suggestions (or encouragement), please let me know, because these are definitely a work in progress:

1. Attend the temple once a month
-I really want to get me and Phoebe to the temple more often. I definitely need it, and I think that it will bring me and Phoebs closer together if we can grow spiritually together! So, every fourth Monday of the month (random, I know), we shall get up early and go to the temple! Take that Satan!!!

2. Read through the Book of Mormon
-I've done it before, so I know that this one's possible. I'm going to go for a chapter a night. I know from experience that this will strengthen my testimony of every aspect of the gospel, and bring me closer to my Savior. A pretty worthy goal I would say... but one that's best achieved with the help of my Heavenly Father through the Holy Ghost.

3. Do vocalizes in the morning and take care of my voice!
-My nodes are definitely much better than they were at this point last year, but I desperately want to audition for the YAs this year, and therefore I need my voice to be in tip top shape. Plus, I just love singing, and it totally stinks to have a wimpy voice all the time. I WILL FIX IT. Again, definitely only with the help of my Heavenly Father.

4. Exercise 20 minutes EVERY day (except for Sundays of course... day of rest... yes)
-This will most likely be the most difficult goal for me. There are just many MANY things I would rather do than exercise. But, alas, my body is not in the best of shape, and I want to be as healthy as I possibly can. And that's going to take a lot of work. I have resolved to alternate between running on the treadmill, and doing this killer exercise video that mom has. Hopefully this will help me lose weight, flatten out my tummy, and keep my heart healthy! Cross your fingers, because I am!!

-I can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm going to do it this year. No refined sugar for a whole 52 weeks. Hopefully this will help me on my journey to becoming healthy as a horse (whatever that means). I know it will definitely be tough (especially on my birthday... sad), but I will do it! It is for the best!!! At least, that's what I keep trying to convince myself... :)
None of this... :(

6. Become better friends with my siblings
-I'm excited for this one. I love my siblings SO much, and I want to make an effort to get to know them better! Therefore, I am going to make an effort to take them on one-on-one dates, and spend more time with them! They deserve it, and I think it will be really fun for me too.

7. Re-read all of the Harry Potter books. More than once if possible...
-To keep the magic of my HP childhood alive, this will happen. Harry, Ron, and Hermione will live on!!!
(artwork accredited to the lovely Caleb Tinney... he's incredible)

And finally, last but not least...

8. Get good grades in college while having as much fun as possible!
-I understand that this is about half a year away, and that also "good" doesn't necessarily mean "A"s. All I want, is to be able to look back and not have any regrets about my freshmen year. I want to get my homework turned in on time, meet new people, learn new things, go to many a football and basketball game, become best friends with my roommates, go on lots of dates, magnify whatever callings I receive in my singles ward (that freaks me out... singles ward...), stay healthy, and live my freshman year to the max!!!

So, there they are! It's going to take a lot of faith and elbow-grease, but I think I can do it. If, every day, I remind myself of that fact that the Lord can make anything possible, I'll be okay.

One more quote that I absolutely love, just for fun...
Lovely, huh? Okey dokes, I guess that's all for tonight! Over and out!

p.s. I had to take a break from my drawing challenge due to Christmas break festivities... hopefully this resolve will not be reflected in the way I carry out my goals. I promise new drawings soon!!! :)